Fume Filtration Systems

5 Common substances that reduce industrial workplace air quality

5 Common substances that reduce industrial workplace air quality

In the workplace, you are constantly surrounded by substances that can diminish your health. In this post, we will discuss 5 common substances that reduce industrial workplace air quality.

1. Ammonia:

Ammonia is used in various applications in the industrial setting, but its use for sterilization is perhaps the most prevalent. Ammonia can be found in products such as cleaners, disinfectants, and pesticides

Symptoms of exposure to ammonia include irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat; mucous membrane irritation; pulmonary edema; and impaired kidney function.

It is of utmost importance that ammonia be handled with extreme caution. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms outlined above, please contact your employer immediately to report the exposure. Your employer should then notify local emergency service providers.

2. Ammonium Nitrate:

Ammonium nitrate is used in fertilizers and is one of the most common chemicals to cause an explosion. It has been used in terrorist activities several times, including the Oklahoma City bombing. Ammonium nitrate is also very caustic to the eyes, respiratory tract, and skin. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms after exposure, contact your employer immediately so that they can notify local emergency service providers and you can be treated accordingly.

3. Carbon Monoxide:

Carbon monoxide is a by-product of combustion, including fires and internal combustion engines such as those found in forklifts, buses, and other vehicles used within the industrial setting. It has no color or odor but is extremely dangerous because it prevents the formation of red blood cells. Carbon monoxide poisoning can be fatal if left untreated. If you or any of your co-workers have been exposed to carbon monoxide, contact your employer immediately so that they can notify local emergency service providers. It is important that you seek medical attention as soon as possible after exposure even though the early symptoms may mimic the flu. Purchase a fume extractor, to ensure health safety of your employees.

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4. Chlorine:

Chlorine is found in various applications within the industrial setting, including water purification and pool sanitation. Fortunately, chlorine gas is not very prevalent, but if it does happen to be released into the air it can cause severe respiratory issues such as burning lungs and difficulty breathing. If you are experiencing these symptoms after exposure, you should contact your employer immediately so that they can notify local emergency service providers and provide you with the appropriate treatment.

5. Ethylene Oxide:

Ethylene oxide is used in some medical and industrial settings for sterilizing equipment such as gloves, masks, gowns, and other tools. It is also found in industrial applications such as sterilizing food & amp, medical equipment, and fumigating. If you or a co-worker have been exposed to ethylene oxide, contact your employer immediately so that they can notify local emergency service providers. Symptoms of exposure include loss of coordination, nausea, vomiting, respiratory distress, convulsions, coma, and possibly death.

The five substances we’ve discussed here are just a few of the many that can have an adverse effect on your workers and their productivity. If you suspect any substance is negatively affecting your workplace air quality, be sure to take steps to reduce its presence as soon as possible!