
The Right Options for Pregnancy Solutions

When you walk through the doors of a clinic, the expectations are great, do we have a problem that explains why we cannot have a child? And, if so, what is it? Very few couples expect the diagnosis of “unexplained infertility” which affects almost 15% of them. Unexplained or unknown infertility is used when specialists cannot determine the cause of infertility after reading the results of basic examinations, carried out in any fertility assessment. Going through click here is important there.

Indeed, after trying to get pregnant for about a year, the priority is first to check if the reproductive organs, of women and men (in the context of a heterosexual couple), are functioning properly.

How do you do a fertility check-up?

Ovulation: Irregular ovulation, sometimes even completely absent, is one of the main causes of female infertility. It is therefore essential to check the proper functioning of the ovaries which is done by ultrasound and hormonal control via blood test. In case of disorders, the specialist doctor will then try to correct them.

The fallopian tubes: the latter must be completely permeable, that is to say that they must not be obstructed, so that the sperm can clear a passage and fertilize the ovum. This permeability is checked by an examination called hysterosalpingography.

The uterus: The wall of the uterus, called the endometrium, must be ready to receive the embryo. Cysts, endometriosis or other problems affecting the endometrium can hinder the implantation of the embryo and therefore pregnancy.

Sperm: On the gentleman’s side, performing a complete spermogram is essential to a good diagnosis.

However, when this assessment does not explain infertility, we must look beyond the basic indicators. The good news is that the constant advances in PMA make it possible to provide a much more precise diagnosis for these cases apart which can then realize their dream of becoming parents.

A more precise diagnosis thanks to an advanced PMA

The endometrium:

To transfer a good quality embryo into a uterus that is not ready to receive it is such a shame! You should know that the period of the cycle during which the endometrium is able to correctly implant an embryo is extremely short. This is called the implantation window and this window is moved in some women. Thanks to the study of a small part of the endometrium, taken by biopsy at a well-defined point in the cycle, specialists can check its receptivity and modify the treatment protocol if necessary and program the transfer accordingly. This test, called ER Map, is not trivial since 28% of women who do it have a displaced endometrial implantation window.

Circulation and blood clotting:

For embryo implantation to take place correctly, the uterus must be perfectly irrigated. For that, it is necessary to carry out an examination commonly called ” miscarriage assessment ” which goes beyond a simple coagulation test and makes it possible to highlight certain altered thrombophilia parameters, not detected in general analyzes.