
Tips for Buying Semi-Custom Cabinets

When a contractor is remodeling an older home, one of the challenges that can come up is figuring out what cabinet to purchase for the work area. There are many types of cabinets, from under the counter refrigerators and dishwashers to more expensive units like humidity-reduction cabinetry, where the humidity can be controlled. One of the main considerations in purchasing this type of cabinetry is UV light damage.

UV light is one of the leading causes of damage to electronic parts throughout the home. In addition to damaging the electronic component itself, UV light can also cause chipping and warping of the wood surrounding electronic components, causing premature aging of your appliances. This can present a security hazard when providing maximum protection throughout the work area, as your cabinet may not be able to withstand the impact of several heavy pieces of equipment hitting it at once. By choosing a cabinet that contains an anti-UV unit, you can help prevent this from occurring, as well as providing maximum protection for the work area.

The cabinet is an extremely important piece of hardware when considering what cabinet to purchase. If you want to ensure that the cabinet is made from quality materials, then you need to choose a cabinet that contains an anti-UV unit. Some cabinet designs are actually not made to meet the security or safety standards that you would expect from a cabinet, simply because the cabinet was not designed to handle the UV light. UV cabinets can be purchased for any cabinet design, including a standard model or one that is specifically designed with UV lighting requirements.

For cabinet refacing orange county, cabinet refacing mission viejo or cabinet refacing rancho santa margarita, contact Kitchen Cabinet Refacing.

And to know more about semi-custom cabinets, check out and read this infographic.

Tips for Buying Semi-Custom Cabinets