
How to have a Fun Weekend in Dallas, TX, and Still Stay Sober

It is easier to maintain sobriety when committed to a sober living facility or a rehab. The challenge comes in when you leave such restricted facilities and join the rest of the world where no one curtails your movement. The fact that everything is readily available when you leave the facility can be the biggest hindrance to your progress and sobriety journey. Hover, this does not mean one cannot survive after rehab without being in the facility.

Staying Sober over the Weekend

It is possible to keep progressing from your sobriety journey long after the rehab session at Mallard Detox or any other faculty. All it takes is a bit of caution. You don’t have to live life fearing making mistakes. Instead, make calculated moves and treat each decision consciously. You do not have to live dreading weekends because they trigger your addiction.

Stay Awry from Triggering Environments

It is vital to stay away from environments likely to push you back to the bad habit of falling back to your old addiction habits. This is even more important when you have just moved from the rehab center. Stay away from clubs and parties that can push you back to the old habits.

 It may translate to missing some of the parties and activities that some of your friends attend. However, remember that your goal is to stay sober and maintain sobriety which may not be a priority for your friends. Choose right and remain disciplined.

Always Plan Ahead

This is a significant problem that may affect extroverts who are really into social gatherings and events. It would be best if you had a plan for everything lest you find yourself in trouble. You don’t have to attend anything you did not plan for since you may not know how to resist the triggers. Planning involves knowing the event’s details and what will be served at the event. You will also control the people you are likely to meet.

Find the Right Set of Friends

One of the best ways to stay sober throughout the weekend is to ensure that you stay with the right people. This is an excellent time to stay away from people who were friends before your rehab sessions. These friends may not be wrong, but they could trigger you to the old habits you have struggled to overcome.

Have a Routine

The essence of a routine is to keep you grounded and disciplined. This means you should know when and what to eat, when to exercise and sleep, and have shopping habits. Having a routine you follow is crucial as this will ensure you have a structured pattern of doing things. You need to develop a healthy lifestyle that helps draw you away from unhealthy habits responsible for your addiction. Always learn to step out of situations that trigger your addiction habits. Even if you stand alone, the most important thing is to never slip back into the addiction.

Talk to a rehab center or specialist to help you learn a few coping tricks. Understanding your situation is the first key to winning. Talk to us today to help you.