

What is phenylketonuria and its causes?

Phenylketonuria is a disorder that has serious consequences if it is not detected and treated in time, with a diet that provides the exact amount of phenylalanine necessary for the growth and repair of the patient's tissues. The PKU is...


How Many Sets to Perform?

This is definitely one question that a personal fitness trainer and bodybuilding coach hears very often. As we grow we learn that that working harder will bring in more results. Unfortunately this is not at all true in bodybuilding. If we do...


Advantages of Bioidentical Body Cream

BHRT, a hormone treatment also known as Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, is a treatment that uses hormones that are identical to or close to the ones produced by the human body. This type of hormone therapy can be used to...


The Best Water Softener System of 2020

You know you need a water softener when you continuously have to deal with stained laundry and dishware. Not to mention the potential of limescale build-up that can cause severe damage to your plumbing and appliances. Did we forget to...

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